Dominique Labauvie, Maëlle Labussière, Jeff Ladouceur, Suzanne Lafont, Denis Laget, Jacques René Lagrange, LALAN, Bernard Lallemand, Bertrand Lamarche, Fabrice Langlade, Annika Larsson et Augustin Maurs, Bo Christian Larsson, Elad Lassry, Micha Laury, Bertrand Lavier, Christopher Le Brun, Jean Le Gac, Marc Le Mené, Marie-Hélène Le Ny, Cécile Le Talec, Guillaume Leblon, Mark Leckey, Seulgi Lee, Frédéric Lefever, Marie Legros, Pierre Leguillon, Mathieu Lehanneur, Jochen Lempert, Jean Leppien, Rainier Lericolais, Eugène Leroy, Elodie Lesourd, Natacha Lesueur, Agnès Levy, Christian Lhopital, Arto Lindsay, Tony Long, Mireille Loup, Ken Lum, Marie Lund, Guy de Lussigny, Mark Luyten
Works from the frac île-de-france collection
Curator : Xavier Franceschi
frac île-de-france, le château / Parc culturel de Rentilly – Michel Chartier
From 22nd September 2018 to 10th February 2019 the frac île-de-france is holding an exhibition with works from its collection at the Château de Rentilly* (Parc culturel de Rentilly – Michel Chartier), where the selection of works is left purely to chance : a random draw, open to everyone via a plugin on the frac website, has taken place from May 25 to June 10, to choose a letter from the alphabet determining the artists to be exhibited. The ‘winning’ letter is ‘L‘ : all artists in the collection whose name begins with ‘L’ are part of the exhibition and all their works will systematically be exhibited**.
While this project is the first of its kind, it is consistent with the approach to the collection fostering experimentation – while at the same time respecting the works and artists involved – in particular through a both fun and conceptual approach.
Reflecting past exhibitions, whether at the Plateau or Château, along with historical exhibitions – from Surrealists, Fluxus to more recent proposals from Bertrand Lavier or Bob Nickas –, there is a predefined rule or protocol here that must be rigorously and religiously adhered to.
As a result, whereas the true stance of an exhibition is generally determined through the selection of works, in this exhibition a predetermined principle is set in motion leaving no room for any subjective choices. From another point of view it is something truly arbitrary, the rule that is defined largely governs the next steps…
Beyond this apparent paradox, the exhibition and this stance enable works to be exhibited and compared on a completely new level.
Detached from any pre-existing or predominant theme, they appear de facto in perfect autonomy. That’s the real objective: to introduce works from the collection in their integrity, for what they are, without any preconceptions or bias.
* and in the salle des trophées
** Apart from works requiring extensive restoration or those on loan that would be too complicated to move.
Guided tours
Every Sunday at
Once a month, on a Sunday, at 3pm, the frac organises an encounter with the artist(s) or curator
Elodie Lesourd / Bertrand Lamarche
Sunday 28.10.18
Visite commissaire avec Xavier Franceschi
Sunday 09.12.18
Seulgi Lee / Pierre Leguillon
Sunday 27.01.19
frac île-de-france, le château
Parc culturel de Rentilly – Michel Chartier
Domaine de Rentilly
1 rue de l’Etang
77600 Bussy-Saint-Martin
fraciledefrance.com / parcculturelrentilly.fr
Free entrance
Wed. & Sat. 2:30pm – 5:30pm
Sun. 10:30am – 1pm, 2:30pm – 5:30pm