La grande revue
15.04.16 – 7:30pm
All the artists invited for the previous episodes of L’Homme aux cent yeux (revue) gather in the empty spaces of le plateau – in between exhibitions – and propose a follow-up to their first intervention for a new happening, acme of the events programme.
Félicia Atkinson et Elise Ladoué
Duet for dancer and musician around poems and music in A Major.
Julien Bismuth
Performance with transposition of circus arts to the field of visual abstraction.
Lola Gonzàlez
Telma Rose Jeanne
Participative initiation ceremony.
Reservation on
L’Homme aux cent yeux (revue)
Last october, frac île-de-france launched a new review: L’Homme aux cent yeux.
This new revue – in a nod to its glorious ancestors of the 30s and to the spirit of the Music Hall – proposes an annual programme of live interventions, open to all kinds of artistic creation (acoustic, filmic, choreographic, etc.), by artists invited to occupy the exhibition spaces in two phases. The first will consist in evening events during the ongoing exhibitions, with a performative play specially created by an artist for each occasion. The second will take place once during the year, in between exhibitions, when the spaces are empty and awaiting the next installation. For this event – the acme of the review – all the invited artists will gather and propose a follow-up to their first intervention. These two forms of intervention will enable the invited artists to experiment with new pieces in different contexts and in direct relationship with the public.
* L’Homme aux cent yeux (revue) is a reference to Argus, the all-seeing giant in Greek mythology with a tragic – and beautiful – destiny.