Le Plateau

Nina Azoulay, Olivia, 2024 © Nina Azoulay / Adagp, Paris / 2024

Nina Azoulay
Comme un rond dans un carré

The Project Room is the Frac’s new prospective and experimental space, located in the last room of the Plateau. It offers the opportunity to present research, diploma, grant and residency projects to French and foreign artists, preferably from the Île de France region. This reactive and flexible programming is also built in dialogue with the essential structures supporting creation, and particularly young creation, but also art schools and universities in the Paris region or internationally.

Nina Azoulay was born in Paris in 1992. She lives and works in Paris.

Nina Azoulay graduated from the Art-Space section of Ensad in 2023, and works in installation, sculpture and drawing, as well as in a fragmentary style of writing she describes as “stacked poetry”. She uses fabrics of various shapes and colors taken from plaster blocks, colored round-headed pins, portmanteaus, ropes, curtain tiebacks, reflective sequins and found images. This attraction to textiles has led to research into the skin, raising questions about permeability, vulnerability, limits, vertigo, inheritance and possible transformations.

In a recent series of sculptures entitled Papillons de nuit, 2023, the reuse of second-hand clothing and the superimposition of fabrics purchased and/or made by the artist are combined with plexiglass, wood, metal and rope to create veritable silhouettes with singular identities. These sculptures, which bear the names of women (Rosalind, Olivia, Salomé), are posited from the outset as possible ghostly portraits, implicitly raising the fictional identity contained in each of them. Nina Azoulay’s attention to detail – the folds, certain rolls of fabric, their tension or floatiness – makes all the chosen ornaments attractive and graceful, but just as structural. Is identity wrapped up in the folds of trimmings?


Curator: Maëlle Dault





Ce qui se trame dans les plis (What lies in the folds)

07.02.24, 6.30-9pm

“I remember the caresses on this T-shirt, its smell, its dirty white, the pleated details of the collar.” After an exhibition visit that focuses on the presence of the clothes used by the artist in her installation Comme un rond dans un carré, you’re invited to share, in return, what’s going on in the folds of one of your garments. You can bring it if it still exists, or an image of it. We’ll listen to and share the intimate stories hidden in these bodily envelopes, armors, finery, veils that protect, show, hide, lure and betray us all at once. An edition will be collectively produced from the stories and images of the participants’ garments.